January through March
January offers Winter Steelhead combined with Summer Steelhead holdovers. You'll experience the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue River along with the smaller local rivers. In March, the first of Spring Chinook arrive on the Rogue! A very special time of year allows you a variety of experiences - power boat on the Rogue or drift boat on the Sixes or Elk Rivers.
Late March through June
From late March through June, you'll find the Rogue River to be one of the best Spring Chinook Salmon fishing rivers in the world. Spring Chinook are the best eating salmon in the world!
July through September
This time of year brings in the Summer and early Fall run of Chinook Salmon. You'll also have the opportunity for Summer Steelhead - a wonderful fishery on the Rogue River! Beginning in August, you'll also have the opportunity to find Coho Salmon in your boat. This is a remarkable time of year to be fishing the Southern Oregon Coast. We need more of these months as there is so much to do.
October through December
In October one can fly fish the Rogue in a drift boat for half-pounders and Summer Steelhead. Fall Chinook and Coho are also caught during this time trolling the bay or caught in the river using several methods to include side-drifting, casting spinners, back-bouncing eggs, pulling plugs, etc.
In November and December, Fall Chinook are fished on the Elk, Sixes and Chetco and are fished from driftboats. Summer Steelhead are caught in the Rogue during these months. These hard fighting fish we like to call "half-pounders" and were named by Zane Grey in the 1930's. Coupled with great fall weather, you have the makings for a very enjoyable outdoor adventure.
Winter Steelhead season begins in December. These fish are numerous and aggressive fighters. Rogue Winter Steelhead fishing is done in the jet boat. Rogue Coast Sport Fishing's permit to the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue allows you access to the beautiful roadless section of the Rogue and, when combined with the holdover Summer Steelhead, the Winter Steelhead fishing makes a dream experience for the flyfisher. Coupled with the great fall weather, you have the makings for an amazing outdoor adventure.
Winter Steelhead fishing on the smaller coastal rivers in Southern Oregon is done in a 17 foot Willie driftboat with no motor. You will experience peaceful and beautiful days on the small wonderful rivers here-done the historic way!
Joe is a steelhead "junkie/enthusiast" and will take guests to the Steelhead havens of the Elk, Sixes, and Chetco rivers along with the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue.

January through March

Late March through June

July through September

October through December